Biomass briquetting plant is used to make energy fuel briquettes from biomass waste. Briquetting machine is an energy saving machine and renewable source of energy in Andhra Pradesh.
Andhra Pradesh is expert in growing 5 main crops they are Sugarcane, cotton, paddy, maize & groundnut. So the all the four wastes can be used instead of the fossil fuel in making of the white coal. The state is commenced with the industries like paper industry, dyeing units where there are high requirements of fossil fuels so Briquettes can grab the market instead of these polluting fuels.
In the state like Andhra Pradesh they also has many council for the waste management so it can play vital role in the generating alertness, providing financial aid and providing guidelines in the installation of Briquetting Units which indirectly controls the waste by processing waste it through of Binderless Technology of making Briquettes .We can say that Andhra Pradesh is a state which is aware about the managing waste specially agro & industrial waste so they can opt for Briquettes Press which is best for waste recycling
They are already using rice husk for the purpose of the steam boiler but they are using it loose instead of high density Biomass briquettes so the awareness is there about using waste but there is also a need of awareness that white coal can also be made. The adaptability among people of Andhra Pradesh was high where we sold more than 50 Briquetting Machines as they understand the importance and usage of Biomass Briquettes.
Biomass briquetting Plant is used to make energy fuel briquettes from biomass waste. Briquetting machine is an energy saving machine and renewable source of energy. … So it known as binder less technology and briquettes are known as ‘white coal’ because it does not pollute when burns.