Jay Khodiyar as manufacturer, exporter & supplier of the briquetting machines & Briquettes Machine In Thailand.
The largest automotive industry is found in Thailand & also there are 64% of the populations engaged in the agriculture field. Thailand is rich in growing crops like rice, cassava, corn, sugar cane so there will be more amount of waste that will be produced & wasted every year. As it is wealthy in both the sector so there is all a high opportunities in making of white coal briquettes & also there is a space for the selling of the biomass briquettes.
Thailand famously making briquettes from rice husk & briquettes from coconut through Briquetting Machine Manufacturer. It helps in reducing the waste of charcoal & also charcoal produce more amount of the ash & pollution where as if we compared it with bio mass briquettes then it is very much high as they contain of ash in briquettes is very low not more than 5 to 6%.
It has too moist climate so the waste which they are having will be having the high moisture content if the moisture level in the agro forestry wastes more than 12 to 15% than they have to go for the one process before going to the final process of making briquettes in briquette press i.e. Turbo Dryer & also if the size of raw material is more than 25mm than through Crusher machine size can be reduced to manufacture Briquettes.
Thailand is expert in making of the competitive briquettes at a qualitative price & also the quality which they are maintaining is standardized. There is a large amount of the biocoal briquettes which are made every year so it is a country which is ranked in the production of tin & tungsten & also having less pollution from the industries as they making maximum use of the bio coal briquettes in the large & heavy scale industries like cement, tobacco, furniture & plastics as they can also use the waste of furniture in making of the briquettes.