Jay Khodiyar

Briquettes Plant In Karnataka

Jay Khodiyar as manufacturer, exporter & supplier of the wood chipper, biomass dryer, briquetting machine & Briquettes Plant.

Briquettes Machine Plant In Karnataka

briquettes machine Karnataka

In more than 25 years of business, Jay Khodiyar briquette presses processed a very large variety of Agricultural waste, forestry waste, municipal solid waste and biomass in various manufacturing environments, acquiring a deep and unique experience in the briquetting Plant industry.

Karnataka is also one of agricultural based state where versatile Biomass such as Rice, Ragi, Jowar, Maize, Bagasse, Tobacco, coconut and many other Biomass are found which can be used to convert in to Briquettes and they are used in different kind of thermal applications.

Due to availability of all kind of different of Biomass we are able to sell 100+ Biomass Briquetting plants project biomass dryer system, wood chipper, sawdust machine on the land of Karnataka and In our Briquetting Machines we follow Binderless technology where there is no need to add any kind of extra chemical for solid Briquettes.

From Last few years due to low rainfall in country there are problems in gathering the Biomass which can be problem for Briquette manufacturers but if we think of larger scale than Scope of Briquettes users is increasing day by day due to increase in price of Fossil Fuels and also in compare to White Coal there are so many disadvantages such as pollution, harm to human life etc so people are highly concerned for their future generation so they are going for the setup of briquetting machine, briquetting press, wood chipper machine.

Promote environmental sustainability and recycling, transforming biomass waste, forest waste into a source of profit for your business.