Prices of traditional fuels are all time high and resources are limited. In this situation, one of the biggest concerns of most of the people is to look for an effective and cheap fuel source. Briquettes as an alternative of traditional fuel source are gaining rapid popularity. This is basically wood waste, agriculture waste and other waste items. Their high density and use of no chemical in production make them an eco-friendly fuel source.
Besides above mentioned features, briquettes feature a range of advantages as compare to other fuel sources. Let’s have a look at benefits of biomass briquetting:
Waste recycling: It has two-way benefits. First briquetting enables us to re-use waste material and help us minimize use of natural resources like coal. And second is the waste, which would otherwise harm nature due to improper dumping can now be used for some better purpose.
No smoke: Briquettes leaves very less or almost no smoke. It can be easily used in fireplaces and you can relax with your dear and near ones in the cozy place. In comparison with other fuels, this fuel burns for long period of time.
Multiple uses: Briquettes are beneficial in many ways for instance to protect nature from getting polluted, protect natural resources used as fuel and to give a easy and profitable business with less investment.
Based on your budget, you can buy a briquetting machine like supreme 75 model and can supply to final product to industries.
Maintenance free: This is maintenance free and easy to store material. Their spherical shape makes them easy to store. You can keep them in bundles or can keep in a small corner in warehouse.
Efficiency and convenience: In fireplaces, burning needs the real flame fuel. Briquetting is a great option that is non-toxic and easy to make. Very small quantity of briquettes can help you keep the ambiance cozy and warm for long time.
While using this, you will notice that there is no harmful gal emitted by this fuel source. No matter where you want to use it (household, outdoor, companies etc.), its equally beneficial and safe to use.
What are you waiting for? Just switch over to one of the most efficient, eco-friendly and cost-effective fuel and keep your surrounding and environment pollution free.
Jay Kodhiyar is a manufacturer of wide range of briquetting machines. You can check out the complete list of machines, their features and other details on company website. Visit site to have a look at the machine that suits your requirements best.